Hattusa City Wall Coneception
and Reconstruction
Bogazköy, Turkey
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) Istanbul
2003 – 2005
Reconstruction of the Ctity Wall , Site Preservation
Restorers of Turkish Antiquities, UNESCO, JPC- Sponsoring
Bogazköy, Turkey
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) Istanbul
2003 – 2005
Reconstruction of the Ctity Wall , Site Preservation
Restorers of Turkish Antiquities, UNESCO, JPC- Sponsoring
The Idea to create a demonstrative reconstruction of a historic city wall example of Hattusa was born by the German excavation team of the DAI Istanbul in an analogical representation to a small historic ceramic model that has been found in Hattusa. It was a challenge to develop historic construction technologies and define methodical principals and details of finishing, since there are no original historic examples of large mud brick walls remaining in Hattusa. The reinforcement of such walls in historic dimensions – up to 6 m thickness – was not finally investigated. A very detailed conception for mud brick structure and construction design for wooden elements was elaborated. For static reasons a massive stone pedestal, executed with original stone blocs, was built as the base for a large coffer wall system of mud bricks and for the tower ground. Parts of the implementation of the city wall could be distinguished as “Experimental Archaeology.”