Since many years, our office is exclusively operating in the field of monument preservation and the museum sector.
Beside our engagement in national projects the most important part of our work takes place in the Mediterranean Area and Middle East.
In cooperation with the national staffs of our counterparts and colleagues of the different National Institutions and Administrations we develop strategies for preservation and presentation of monuments and sites.
We build up local teams of planers and handicrafts in order to enable them to apply adequate methods and techniques of conservation and to maintain their cultural heritage.
As restoration planners, we are working interdisciplinary with a team of well-trained monument conservators, architects, art historians, restorers, archeologists, and specialized engineers. Therefore, we can guarantee a professional, competent, and comprehensive overall approach. We are familiar with the multiple tasks of conservation as well as presentation due to our project experience in archaeological sites and monument preservation. Our range also includes design and implementation of exhibition concepts, and museum’s structures.

Documentation is one of the key elements of cultural heritage projects. Adequate documentation is the necessary basis for planning and realization of projects in this field.
We provide different documentation technics by ourselves and we are able to conduct
specialists for all kinds of documentation matching the actual standards.

Site Management Planning
In cultural heritage terms it must be considered a key challenge to develop archaeological sites from just an excavated area to a coherent and attractive site that shows historic correlations and allows plausible interpretation of excavated remainings. Specific threats and unique features of the site have to be carved out by different methodological approaches.
By developing conservation concepts to solve constructive and physical problems but also by creating an adequate environment for the historic features, the site and its monuments have to be tranformed into a sustainable entity. Necesarry elements of infrastructure and visitor information systems should be integral element of the planning.

Concept and Construction Planning
For the preservation of historic monuments and sites a comprehensive understanding of structural conditions and damage processes affecting the histioric substance is an indispensable prerequisite. We are familiar with historic structures and our expierience allows us to draw on all available strategies and methods to plan and to execute construction works in a cultural heritage context.

Assessments and Studies
Expert assessment of monuments conditions and problems, needs and potentials of an archaeological site is a precondition of preservation planning and execution of adequate measures safeguarding the cultural heritage.
One of our main focuses is the assessment and analysis of historic monuments and archeological sites under preservation aspects.
We evaluate the actual conditions and define problems, needs and potentials.
Conservation and maintenance needs are addressed and adequate solutions are discussed and assessed. This also includes strategies for visitor pathways, guidance systems and mediation.

Restoration Planning
The team of our office consists of architects and restorers. Therefore we fully cover the requirements of restoration planning.
Engagements in various projects for restoration like in the Pergamon Museum as well as in different archaeological sites abroad constantly extend our experience and keep it updated with actual standards. We are used to integrate results of scientific analysis into our planning and we can activate a network of laboratories and experts for all conservational aspects. Due to the stone restorers in our team we are able to execute restoration samples as an integrational part of the planning.

Construction Supervision
Our responsibility to achieve the best possible results in our projects means to accompany the total course from the beginning of conceptual planning phases till the finish and handing over to the customer. We count on experience to perform our obligations being integrated in the control of the implementation and to engage ourselves in the important sectors of construction and site supervision especially concerning design aspects.

Training and Capacity-Building
We have long term experience in establishing programs for specialized handicrafts like stonemasons, construction workers and bricklayers.
The programs follow the objective to build capacity in order to enable local colleagues act to serve future project tasks atonomously.
In some of our archaeological conservation projects we were able to integrate programs for training of young international staff members like archeologists, architects, and engineers to operate as construction and site managers. They are trained in order to get prepared for future challenges in their countries
in the field of preservation in appropriate responsibility.