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Tiryns Mycenaen Citadel

Tiryns Mycenaean Citadel

The Citadel of Tiryns is surrounded by huge fortification walls with different functions and shape, roughly estimated in total length extension of more than 700 m. After many hundred years of decomposition, vastly damaged zones determined the external appearance of the citadel. As a result,  some parts of the western and southern walls were reconstructed by a team from Nikolaos Verdelis in the 1950ies.

After conservation studies in Tiryns had been completed under the directorate of Klaus Kilian (DAI), the execution of the palace conservation works commenced in 1997 under the directorate of Josef Maran (University of Heidelberg) in close cooperation with the directorate of the Ephoria of Antiquities in Nafplion.

The implementation of a new consolidation program for the Eastern Gallery and its surroundings is prepared to start in the 2020ies.