Quartier Magon Conservation and Presentation
Carthage, Tunisia
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) Rom
1980 – 1984; 2015 -2016
Conservation of Ruined Relics in an Excavation, Hall for Info-Presentation
Institut National du Patrimoine INP, UNESCO World Heritage Program
Carthage, Tunisia
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) Rom
1980 – 1984; 2015 -2016
Conservation of Ruined Relics in an Excavation, Hall for Info-Presentation
Institut National du Patrimoine INP, UNESCO World Heritage Program
The site is situated in the environment of modern Carthage close to the coastal zone. It is named after a famous historic Punic leader “Magon”. In the area of the “Quartier Magon” the excavated building structures of different historic phases from early Punic till Byzantine periods are shown on the level of the excavated large sondages like the view into a huge showcase. In close cooperation with the INP five conservation campaigns from 1980 till 1984 involved the restored wall and pavement relics to give structural impression of Punic handicraft- merchant- and housing- buildings as well of the pedestal of a huge city wall. The urban Roman structures are located on the upper level and show that their pattern is the basis for the following modern urban system. Directly at the seaside a Roman Cardo is reconstructed on its original level as a visitors’ public promenade. An open vaulted 4 room Antiquarium presents an exhibition of Punic and Roman mosaic-fragments and three historical reconstruction models.