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Numidian Necropolis on the Roman Forum Concept and Conservation

Chimtou Tunisia
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) Rome
1985 – 1992
Site Preservation
Institut National du Patrioine, INP, Agence ANP


Chimtou Tunisia
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) Rome
1985 – 1992
Site Preservation
Institut National du Patrioine, INP, Agence ANP

The Numidian Necropolis was surprisingly found under the Roman Forum in ancient Simitthus. Its preservation should keep the surrounding Roman ambience. Consequently its  presentation on the lower historic Numidian level inside a showcase of carefully arranged wall frame of beautiful natural blocks of Chimtou marble fits aesthetically with the Numidian relics in different stone block quality. On the upper level separated from the plaster and terrace relics of the Roman period occur in grey color. The assembly of different tombs – the big round ‘Bazina’ with access to a hidden burial chamber, a large rectangular tomb with two openings serving oblong chambers, an early simple three chamber underground grave, a mysterious staircase and some small burials between the solid stone chambers – present a most interesting variety of different grave types. The conservation and restoration have been executed by stabilization of the graves stone construction, partly with natural mortar called ‘Turba’ – still to be found and exploited by the local masons – and partly with a special mixture of lime mortar.